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2019 Drawdown Learn Conference On Demand



Explore a solutions-based approach to climate change with more than 16 hours of powerful, illuminating, and inspiring conversations from the three-day event now available free and on demand.

View highlights from the 2019 Drawdown Learn Conference.

In order to reverse global warming, it’s time for everyone to get involved—to connect and partner, and to weave together disparate efforts into local, regional, and global solutions-oriented movements.

And what better way than by engaging with and supporting the young people who have the largest stake in our efforts?

Since the nonprofit, environmental organization Project Drawdown published Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming in 2017, schools, community groups, nonprofits, governments, businesses, and individuals have been galvanized by the solutions-based blueprint.

On Oct. 18-20, 2019, the Omega Center for Sustainable Living hosted a powerful array of presenters who illuminated what is possible in the effort to achieve Drawdown—the critical point when atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations peak and decrease each subsequent year—by or before 2050. 

The 2019 Drawdown Learn on demand video is free and features more than 16 hours of powerful, illuminating, and inspiring conversations.

DRAWDOWN™ and DRAWDOWN LEARN™ are trademarks of Project Drawdown and are used with permission.

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2019 Drawdown Learn Conference On Demand

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