workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Dance Yourself Free

A Transformative Somatic Activated Healing Intensive

With Sah D'Simone.

Jun 9–14, 2024


Member: $475.00

Standard: $530.00

Two people dancing joyfully at sunset

Level up your mental and emotional well-being with the Somatic Activated Healing (SAH) Method™—the body-mind workout for healing—with Sah D'Simone.

Enjoy this high-energy preview of the Somatic Activated Healing™ (SAH Method™).

Ignite your mental and emotional well-being with the powerful Somatic Activated Healing (SAH) Method™—the ultimate body-mind workout for ecstatic psycho-spiritual expansion, delivered through a trauma-informed lens—with spiritual guide Sah D'Simone.

Traditional therapies use a top-down approach to healing, focused on changing the way we think to change how we feel. But this often requires mentally revisiting painful experiences. The SAH Method utilizes a bottom-up approach: using the body and our feelings to address emotional baggage—changing the way we feel to change the way we think.

Come and embody resilience, letting go, happiness, self-love, and transcendence on the spiritual dance floor. Release the emotions and stories that block you from experiencing them and develop and amplify those qualities through this potent combination of somatic movement, ecstatic dance, rhythmic breathwork, dynamic meditation, and positive affirmation.

Workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Jun 9–14, 2024

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Dance Yourself Free

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  • Sah-D'Simone-bio_cropped

    Sah D'Simone

    Sah D’Simone, a transformational speaker, is creator of the Somatic Activated Healing (SAH) Method™...