Every year, one in four older American adults reports falling. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death, non-fatal injuries, and emergency room visits. There must be a way to address healthy balance just as doctors regularly address healthy vision, says tai chi teacher George Locker.
Join George, author of Falling Is Not an Option, in a 2-hour online class where you learn 15 balance exercises from his Postural Retraining™ program, a system of stationary and moving postures that enhances balance and stability. You also take part in a discussion and question-and-answer session with George.
The science of healthy balance, George says, combines the principles of Western physics articulated by Isaac Newton; the stability techniques that are the core of tai chi; and movement at a cellular level, tensegrity, a concept that describes how the fascia of the body interacts with bones, muscles, and other tissues to create stability and hold the body erect.
Join Teachers Studio live on Wednesday, October 30, 6:00-8:00 p.m. ET (3:00-5:00 p.m. PT). For registered participants, this class will be available until December 30.
Please note: This is not tai chi dancing, which is characterized by shallow steps. Effective balance exercises must incorporate a sustained bent knee and ankle position. Flexibility in the knees and ankles, and strong legs, are the foundation of stable erect posture. Better balance requires consistent practice and a willingness to tolerate discomfort.