Denise Hatch, E-RYT 500, is a certified Anusara yoga teacher trainer, founder of Yoga Sports Performance, a licensed hypnotherapist, and co-founder of Mystic Heart Yoga Retreats. Hatch works with clients who desire to operate at their most brilliant potential by guiding them toward clarity of purpose and creation of a better world by living a life of purpose, health, and joy. Her client roster includes high-level professionals including NFL and MLB athletes, business executives, artists, writers, and anyone who wishes to find their soul’s purpose.

Hatch studied finance, nutrition, and exercise physiology at the University of North Carolina, earning All-American honors in springboard and tower diving.  She left the corporate world of finance 25 years ago to continue her studies in human behavior, philosophy, yoga, physiology, and Native American and Celtic shamanism. Hatch has served as an instructor for the Mayo Clinic for a program investigating the effects of yoga on anxiety and sleeping disorders.

Hatch lives in upstate New York and offers yoga teacher trainings as well as international yoga retreats.