Chan Park is an engineer, English communication coach, and tango dance instructor. This includes a university education in science and engineering, 19 years of engineering experience at NASA, practicing patent law, and conducting research in renewable energy.
Chan embarked on his tango journey in 1997, fulfilling a lifelong aspiration to dance with a partner. While dancing with his partner, Eugenia, he had an ethereal experience reminiscent of traversing time and space. After extensive introspection, he concluded that he had experienced something very akin to a Zen moment.

Drawing from his experiences and research, Chan authored the book Tango Zen: Walking Dance Meditation, first published in 2005 and since translated into five languages. He has shared the philosophies outlined in his book through Tango Zen workshops in 25 different countries. Chan directed the documentary film Tango Your Life, narrating his exploration of tango as culture, music, dance, friendship, love, and everyday life in Buenos Aires.