
Elizabeth Kriynovich

Elizabeth Kriynovich, MA, CYT, has been an educator and teacher leader for almost 20 years, emphasizing mindful communications at the secondary and post-secondary level. She has been bringing her personal mindfulness practice into her work with students and adults for more than a decade.
Elizabeth is passionate about using mindfulness to foster effective speaking, listening, and learning, and particularly supporting the needs of students with learning disabilities using mindfulness. She is the current board president of the Mindfulness in Education Network and a member of Wake Up Schools, a worldwide community of mindful educators founded in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Elizabeth is also a certified yoga teacher. She has led workshops and presentations on using mindfulness in the classroom to help train Quaker activists and teachers nationwide. Her work has been published in Happy Teachers Will Change the World and Educating Mindfully: Stories of School Transformation through Mindfulness.