Omega faculty Susan Weis-Bohlen

Susan Weis-Bohlen

Susan Weis-Bohlen is an Ayurvedic consultant and author of Seasonal Self-Care Rituals: Eat, Breathe, Move, and Sleep Better—According to Your Dosha. Over the years, she has led workshops, classes, and retreats on vegetarian cooking, meditation, writing, and sacred site tours of India, Bhutan, England, and Peru. In 2008, Susan received her certification in Ayurveda from the Chopra Center. She also has completed courses with Dr. Vasant Lad in New Mexico and India. Susan is certified in Ayurvedic cooking from best-selling author and teacher Amadea Morningstar, and is a certified teacher of the Gateless Writing method.

Susan’s passion is helping people find their way to a personalized method of healing and happiness. She teaches sustainable and easy-to-use tools and techniques to support and gently guide participants on a lifelong journey of well-being. Susan believes that not only is food medicine, but so is meditation, movement, writing, essential oils, and more.

Susan’s first book, Ayurveda Beginner’s Guide: Essential Ayurvedic Principles & Practices to Balance & Heal Naturally, has sold more than 40,000 copies and has been translated into four languages.