omega faculty Tiq Milan

Tiq Milan

Tiq Milan is a thought leader, storyteller, and media maker whose work on equity and inclusion has had an impact in the US and abroad for more than a decade. He travels throughout North America leading discussions on healthy modes of masculinity, intersectional leadership, and engineering environments of inclusion. Tiq has lectured at several universities including Harvard, Stanford, and Brown on the importance of inclusion as a tool of innovation and outlines concrete strategies for productive engagement.

Tiq is a sought-after host, having moderated conversations on intersectional inclusion and human rights at HBO’s Newfest Film Festival and the Tribeca Film Festival. His 2016 TED Talk has been viewed more than 3 million times and continues to inform and inspire people all over the world. His memoir, Man Of My Design: A Self-Determined Life is slated to be published in 2023.