1. Each night, all Omega guests observe "quiet time" from 10:00 p.m. throughout the night. This allows everyone, especially those with young children, to get a good night's sleep. We're one big community and sound carries easily, so please be aware of the noise level at the lake, on the café deck, and especially around the cabins, dorms, and tents. All young people, teens included, must be back in their housing, with their parents, by 11:00 p.m. As you walk home, it is important to keep your voices down.
2. You are welcome to congregate in the café and on the deck during café hours. Be aware of the other guests using the space. Please don't run in the café or on the deck, and keep the noise level down!
3. Drugs and Alcohol are strictly forbidden on campus. You and your family will be asked to leave if we discover anyone with these substances. Cigarettes are not allowed in any building or public space. They are fire hazards in the woods. We discourage smoking on campus.
4. If you come to an evening performance and would like to help us keep the little kids who are sitting up front well behaved, we would certainly appreciate your help. This goes for keeping the peace on the basketball courts after mealtimes as well. They will listen to your age group more than ours!
5. If all goes well during the week, we will allow teens to stay up until 11:00 p.m. on Thursday and to have a dance party in Stillwater, run by the Wayfinder staff. Please get home by 11:30 p.m. and do so very quietly.