Charles Virtue has been in touch with the angels and their guidance from his early childhood. He knew that one day, somehow, he would be guided to teach this ability to others.

Virtue has been working with angels privately for more than 20 years, and professionally for more than 10. He is the eldest son of Dr. Doreen Virtue, who created the Angel Therapy Practitioner® (ATP) course and authored prominent literature on working with angels. Before he started traveling the world, teaching people how to work with angels and master the art of life purpose manifestation, Virtue worked for his mother, helping her to plan her certification courses.

In his early 20s, Virtue began giving readings with angel oracle cards. He received instant comfort from the act of helping people by teaching them how to clear the blocks and fears that kept them from hearing the true guidance that their angels wanted them to receive. At that point, his mission was clear: He wanted to teach people how to manifest, listen to their angels and inner guidance, and move toward fulfilling their life purpose.

Virtue has been teaching since 2007 and has certified thousands of people in more than 25 countries to connect with a higher energy to bring happiness, purpose and guidance into their lives. He has a very down-to-earth teaching style that helps his students realize that spirituality isn’t a different world—rather, it’s a blessing and a complement to the one we already live in. Virtue has witnessed thousands of people awaken to their guidance and purpose in his classes and maintains the motto, “Yes, it really is that easy.”