Heather Dane

Heather Dane, a former high-powered corporate executive who suffered massive burnout, took a radical career leap after spending many years investigating the cause of her myriad health problems. Now, as a health coach, Dane combines her business and health acumen to support thousands of people in healing naturally with lifestyle, nutrition, and nutritional supplements.

During her years as a personal health coach to world-renowned alternative health trailblazer Louise Hay, Dane joined forces with her to bring cutting edge wisdom, including a culmination of Hay’s lifetime of work in their two books, Loving Yourself to Great Health and The Bone Broth Secret, which reveal how making loving choices about the food you eat and the thoughts you think can deeply nourish your body and soul.

Heather is the visionary behind the Wellness Project by Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, a nonprofit project to rebuild medicine with indigenous peoples around the world. She’s a regular contributor to Mind Body Green, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Journal, and HealYourLife.com. She also has a Hay House Radio show that airs on Tuesdays.

Considered a 21st-century medicine woman, Dane draws from her Native American culture (Haudenosaunee/Iroquois, Oneida Nation), combining ancient wisdom, holistic/alternative health training, and modern technology to offer cutting-edge prescriptive remedies for health. She specializes in epigenetics and supporting people to resolve methylation challenges, addictions, weight challenges, stress, intergenerational trauma, chronic fatigue, depression, autoimmune illness, energetic sensitivity, and more, while enhancing their capacity for self-love and self-care.