Janie Chandler, LMT, is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, founding faculty member of Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Certification Program, and served as co-administrator to the Teaching Eden Energy Medicine program for three years. As a 1987 graduate of the Boulder College of Massage, Janie brings more than 30 years of hands-on experience and study of physiology to her energy medicine practice. Her breadth of personal and professional knowledge of the work, combined with an articulate, fun, and authentic teaching style, makes her a powerful teacher.  

Janie's decades of professional practice combine therapeutic massage, energy medicine, and spiritual study, making her a transformational practitioner. She is the creator of The Visual Atlas of Energy Medicine, a compendium of real-time exercises found in Donna Eden’s classic book Energy Medicine, and Your Inner Sanctuary, a deeply relaxing meditation series. Janie has a private practice in Ashland, Oregon.