Jyoti Subramanian

Jyoti Subramanian has worked for nearly a decade at Challenge Day, a nonprofit organization that addresses bullying, teasing, suicide, alienation, and isolation among teens. She facilitates workshops for more than 100 teens at a time, utilizing compassion and understanding as tools to help teens look at themselves and their world with new perspective.

Grounded in her life experience of studying yoga and meditation in India for seven years, as well as running a yoga ashram in the Himalayas for two years, Subramanian brings a spiritual wisdom and depth to her work that is easily translatable to youth. She is also immersed in the healing arts and works with native healers. As the North American project manager for the nonprofit Nuna Ayni, she is helping to create and construct a healing center in the Sacred Valley of Peru. One of the focuses of the center is connecting youth in need to elders from wisdom traditions around the world. 

Jyoti Subramanian travels all over the United States and Canada for Challenge Day and has recorded two award-winning documentaries for a Dutch public television station while leading Challenge Days in Holland.