Nicki Doane

Nicki Doane teaches at yoga studios and conferences across the globe. She is featured in two Ashtanga Yoga DVDs from Gaiam Inc. and has produced her own series of Maya Yoga DVDs in collaboration with in collaboration with Eddie Modestini. Nicki lives in Maui, Hawaii where she is an owner and director the Maya Yoga Studio. 

Nicki travelled to India in 1991 to study yoga with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. She cites Pattabhi Jois, along with Eddie Modestini, Gabriella Giubilaro, and Tim Miller among her most influential teachers. She is an authorized teacher of Ashtanga Yoga. Although rooted in Ashtanga, Nicki‘s teaching goes beyond the traditional. Her Vinyasa classes combine asana, pranayama, philosophy, and poetry. Nicki’s emphasis is on awareness: creating integrity within each pose that can be carried beyond the mat into daily life.