Ryel Kestano, cofounder of ART International with Jason Digges, travels the world delivering Authentic Relating workshops to people of all backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and values. From prison inmates and corporate executives to college students and spiritual seekers, thousands of people have been touched by ART’s unique and innovative workshops, all united by a shared human experience and hunger for authentic human connection.

Ryel and Jason were trained at the world-renowned Integral Center in Boulder, Colorado, before joining its faculty and contributing to the rapid dissemination of Authentic Relating as a transformational relational practice. They bring many years of practice and experience as teachers and innovators of relational technologies, and now oversee ART’s mission to introduce Authentic Relating to as many people as possible.

ART has a presence on four continents, and has delivered its workshops in dozens of cities around the world. Its nonprofit arm, Authentic Relating International, provides training for prison inmates in the US and has begun expanding into education and the veteran population. ART also has an increasingly large clientele in the corporate world, as executives realize the enormous value of creating a culture of human connection in the workplace.

ART’s staff and faculty is spread throughout the globe and actively produces Level 1, 2, and 3 workshops every weekend of the year, in communities and cities in Australia, North America, Europe, and Indonesia.