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Scholarship Recipients Talk About #DoPowerDifferently

The annual Women & Power event attracted wide audiences for more than a decade on creating a culture of equality and care. Below, three scholarship recipients speak about what the event and the campaign #DoPowerDifferently means to them. 

Name: Gifty Blankson



What was your biggest takeaway from the gathering?: "First of all, I would like to use this opportunity to thank you all for giving me this extraordinary life-changing experience. Miss Elizabeth Gilbert's message on how to go after our dreams even in fear, was an eye-opening moment for me. She made me realize that fear is always going to be a part of my creativity journey but that shouldn't stop me."


What does #DoPowerDifferently mean to you?: "Doing power differently to me means identifying my destiny and having the courage to pursue it."


View the CUNY photo album from the conference.


Name: Nirmala Singh (pictured above on right with OWLC manager Sarah Urech)

Organization: Go Beyond Greatness


What was your biggest takeaway from the gathering?: "My biggest takeaway was Bonnie St. John explaining how being underestimated and devalued in society did not bring her down but ignited the fire in her to go above and beyond for high achievement and life success. My experience being around amazing, talented, and strong women leaders has helped me to understand the true definition of what is means to be bold."


What does #DoPowerDifferently mean to you?: "As an aspiring international human rights attorney, I realized doing power differently means I must step out, be bold, and become an important contributor who balances the power structure within American society and the world." 


Name: Lila Montoya  

OrganizationBe the Change


What was your biggest takeaway from the gathering?: "The biggest way to change the world is to follow one's passion and not let fear dictate our decisions, or lack thereof."


What does #DoPowerDifferently mean to you?: "At times, we are put in unfavorable positions that we cannot control. What we can control is our reaction and what we are willing to do to better the situation, for ourselves, and perhaps for other women."


View the Be the Change photo album from the conference.