workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Heart Practice of Chanting

Bringing Chanting Into the Practice of Living


Sep 2, 2024


Member: $70.00

Standard: $80.00

Please call Omega at 877.944.2002 to register.
Nina Rao and Krishna Das at a chant event

Immerse yourself in a one-day chanting retreat and devotional practice led by Krishna Das and Nina Rao.

Krishna Das leads the audience in a short prayer.

Join Krishna Das for this 1-day chanting retreat and devotional practice. This is a special opportunity to study with one of the foremost devotional singers in the world.

Explore the spiritual path with group chanting of Hanuman Chalisas with Nina Rao. Guided by Krishna Das in the afternoon and evening, we revel in call-and-response chanting, stories about Das's beloved guru, Sri Neem Karoli Baba, and discussions about life, with plenty of opportunities for questions and answers.

Sharing his heart through music and chanting is the basis of Das’s devotional practice, his way of serving the divine within himself and others. In this chanting retreat, we can embark on our own devotional journey with him.

More Information

This workshop begins Monday at 2:00 p.m.

Workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Sep 2, 2024

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Heart Practice of Chanting

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Please call Omega at 877.944.2002 to register.
  • Krishna Das

    Grammy-nominee Krishna Das is one of the foremost devotional singers in the world. He has released...

  • Nina Rao

    Nina Rao is Krishna Das' assistant. She tours with him, playing cymbals and singing. In 2007, she...