workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Tools for Mindful Living


Jul 7–12, 2024


Member: $445.00

Standard: $495.00

Registration has closed.

Woman sitting on the grass meditating

Explore your relationship with body, mind, heart, and others in this Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction retreat.

This workshop is part of Omega's Mindfulness initiative.

Florence Meleo-Meyer describes two ways you can bring meditation into your life.

Tools for Mindful Living offers an opportunity to engage daily with mindfulness meditation, while cultivating compassion, courage, and resilience. Root causes of stress will be explored with an attitude of curiosity and shared humanity. Finding stress patterns in our daily lives is a step to greater freedom. Another step is learning how to relate wisely to what is challenging or unwanted in our lives.

This workshop is for you if you're looking to:

  • Begin a mindfulness practice
  • Refresh your current mindfulness practice
  • Cultivate mindfulness through a life transition
  • Expand your mindfulness meditation throughout the day
  • Awaken to heart wisdom that is personal, interpersonal, social, and, transpersonal

Based on the world-renowned Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, this 5-day, residential retreat invites inner exploration as we experience and investigate mindfulness and its potential to impact our quality of life. This program includes:

  • Full introduction and guidance of the formal MBSR meditation practices
  • Introduction and explication of the science and mechanisms of mindfulness
  • Exploration into how perception and conditioning shape how we experience the world, and how mindfulness can begin to uncouple automatic, habitual reactivity for clearer seeing and more creative responding
  • Tools for deep listening—to ourselves and others
  • Methods and applications for bringing brief, informal mindfulness practices through the day to rebalance oneself emotionally, mentally, and physically

Mindfulness is an innate resource in all human beings that is often overlooked. This program offers step-by-step guidance to cultivate familiarity with this human resource of awareness, openness, and warmth. By engaging with the practices of MBSR, you have the opportunity to explore your relationship with the body, mind, heart, and with one another in an environment rich in care and engagement.

The retreat-like format of this program includes mindful movement, silence, reflection, and dialogue. Through mutual respect and deep listening, participants contribute to a learning community that supports introspection and the cultivation of wise living. There is time and space to inquire, reflect, and come close to ourselves.

Please note: Tools for Mindful Living is a unique opportunity to learn key elements offered in an 8-week MBSR class. The program is also appropriate for those who want to deepen or reinvigorate their mindfulness meditation practice and for health professionals who wish to apply mindfulness in their work with others.

More Information

Workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m.

Workshop Rhinebeck, NY

Jul 7–12, 2024

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Tools for Mindful Living

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Please call Omega at 877.944.2002 to register.
  • Florence Meleo-Meyer

    Florence Meleo-Meyer

    Florence Meleo-Meyer teaches Insight Dialogue retreats and is co-developer of the Interpersonal...